Carnivore Pixel –

videomapping + reaction-diffusion Study

Videomapping : is a projection technology used to convert objects with an irregular shape into a display surface for projection. Using specialized software allows the projector to adapt any image onto the object’s surface.

Gray Scott: The reaction-diffusion systems are mathematical models that describe how one or more substances distributed in space changes under the influence of two processes: reactions in the local chemical substances are transformed into each other, and diffusion, which causes substances to expand in space. The result of this process is a stable configuration in which the chemical composition is not uniform in a spatial domain.

This project explores the videomapping possibilities offered for models based on reaction-diffusion processes. The birth and death of each bio-entity pixel will be developed based on the properties of the texture where light is shed. Each pixel can possess biochemical qualities, each entity lives and dies, reacts and blends, to be reborn and die again. Each pixel will take part in a relationship based on light and reality, in an overlap, in an intimate relationship, in a CANNIBAL relationship.

Pixel Carnivore

Music by CIRC

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