Hello and welcome! It took me some time decide to add a few bytes more to the already somewhatstodgy Internet goddess, sorry you I sacrifice a hard drive in your honor! But I want to be sharing some of my work and offer to create projects. My current interests are supported primarily by the computationally generated graphics, adding all the interactions that are able to imagine either using artificialvision techniques (Kinecta, Kinecta, Kinecta:)), audio analysis, access to sensorsmodern smartphones by native applications and much more fun, from HTML and Javascript, and / or … all that is third. The language in which I feel more comfortable is Java and Processing is the tool that I use for the development of visual applications, with each day more pleased with my tastes because of the great future that is presented with its Androidplatform variants or Javascript. The content will be generated largely related to these interests. The motivation that has pushed me to create the page, is in part a certain resentment at the loss-forgetfulness of code that perhaps will let someone else get to a target farther than I got, since I could reach my objective leaning on the shoulders of many people who shared their work. Another major component in my decision to mount the page is the new stage in which I embarked, I offer my workto create projects related to these interests that I will show, of course in exchange for money. Thank you.